After that, we were required to perform in front of all the lecturers group by group:

This is the photo were we were waiting at the outsite of lecture hall.
This is the photo were we were waiting at the outsite of lecture hall.
Posted by Pang Ling Xiang at 9:51 PM
The unique of the building.
I love the design of the stairs.
We played around inside the museum. Zhi Ling and I were actually acted cooking inside the kitchen.
Due to this assignment, I've learned a lot of things especially in the design of the building structure. I hope that, this will encourage me to think something special about the structure design so my design can become one of the heritage building in the future.
Posted by Pang Ling Xiang at 9:11 PM
On Friday (8 August 2009), HBP's students were attent to the Kem Pimpin Siswa for 3 days 2 nights. Well, I was in Kem Palas which is located in Kedah, and I was in the same camping location with Aileen, Hui Min, Cheah Meng, Ah Yap and Joe.
When we reached the place, I was shocked to see that there was many rivers which we need to cross over to reach our site. Yiak~ I hate the feeling when I putting down my legs into the water. Moreover, a jurulatih told us that our camp is full with litches. I was so scare~~ By the way, my slippers almost "swim" away during I was crossing the river >.<"
Finally, all of us reached the site. After we put down our luggage, we had our lunch. Then, we rest during Malay friends were praying. Therefore, we took some photos during that time.
This is the view in my camping site. They're so beautiful. I like the green scene which I can't even see it in the town. Besides, it smells good as all of the elements are just grasses and trees.
Here's the river besides our site. The water is totally clear. HAR?? CLEAR?? but the water looks yellowish!!! Oh my God~~ Hmm, don't be afraid because of the colour, as the facilitators told me that the water is flowing from the mountain. It's 99.5% clear and pure.
Posted by Pang Ling Xiang at 1:16 AM
In this assignment, all of us were given a task which we must find our own personal site which must the school of HBP. Hence, I've chosen a site which consists of blue and green where there consists of blue sky and green grasses. The reason that I chosed this site was because I love the feel of approaching to the natural object. Here's my site:
Posted by Pang Ling Xiang at 7:31 PM
Well, this project was given by Dr Syarmila. Well, this project was totally made me crazy. Why? It's because all of us just have 4 days to finish this assignment as we were going to the Kem Pimpin Siswa for 3 days 2 nights. This project was very tough as we need to cut out all the things which we were doing the subtraction and the accretion. After finished the project, my hands.. No! is my fingers were totally getting CACAT for 2 days~ swelling and pain~~ Oh my GOD!! Luckily, I was able to finish it on the time. Well, thanks for my friends who helped me a lot in the project for the electricity part ^^
Although this project was tough enough, I learned a lot of things in this project. I've learned how to make the electricity, and how to cut paper in the proper way. =)
This is my ProDuct~~
Posted by Pang Ling Xiang at 10:40 AM
In RAG132, we were given a task to form a group and did the obelisk. Well, for the Assignment 3B, we were given another task which was to draw out the projection drawing for our obelisk. Hence, during the weekends, I have discussed with my group members the way of drawing our obelisk. Thus, here's my product:
Posted by Pang Ling Xiang at 10:33 PM