Date: 06 July 2009
Time: 0900~1200
Location: E48B
I was here, 1st year architecture student, having my 1st lecture class in the school of Housing, Building and Planning (HBP). Well, my 1st lecture was RUS101 which was taught by Encik Wan Burhanuddin bin Wan Abidin. Before entering into the lecture hall, I felt very excited as it was my 1st step for leading me to pursue my dream to become an architect.
So, what I've learned in my 1st class? Yes, Encik Wan Burhanuddin bin Wan Abidin taugh us about "Reading". I was being so surprise when he told us that the word "read" does content a lot of explanation which I didn't notice before. Besides, he also told us an important things:
Time: 0900~1200
Location: E48B
I was here, 1st year architecture student, having my 1st lecture class in the school of Housing, Building and Planning (HBP). Well, my 1st lecture was RUS101 which was taught by Encik Wan Burhanuddin bin Wan Abidin. Before entering into the lecture hall, I felt very excited as it was my 1st step for leading me to pursue my dream to become an architect.
So, what I've learned in my 1st class? Yes, Encik Wan Burhanuddin bin Wan Abidin taugh us about "Reading". I was being so surprise when he told us that the word "read" does content a lot of explanation which I didn't notice before. Besides, he also told us an important things:

Intention: A plan or purpose or an object which somebody intends or means to do
Act: To do something or take action (drawing, built and etc..)
Product: The result of something (such as building..)
Actor: Who want to do either is individual or institution (such as architect..)
Rule: Law, which allow people to make an official decision
Site: A place of land where something has happened or that is used for something
Well, intention is very important to us no matter what are we going to do. Without intention, we doesn't have any reason or energy to continue our journey. Without intention, we can't do anything else! Therefore, we must have mission and vision before doing something, so that we can pursue the greatest perfect product at the end.
Besides, every people does have the different intention. For example, for a couple of spouse, after they getting married, they will have the mission to have a baby. By the way, there are some rules which they need to follow, without following the rules, they might fail to get any of the product. Before the product is produced, site plays the important role on it, so they can purchase the perfect product in their life -- lovely baby.
So, for an example, we as a STUDENT (actor) should have the INTENTION in this second to build up the habit of reading instead of just wasting our time for doing non-sense stuffs which don't benefit us at all. After that, we must DO IT by using our eyes to SEE, using our ear to HEAR and using our heart to FEEL. These are the RULES which we need to follow together with our greatest determination. At the end, we will pursue the greatest PRODUCT in our HEART(site).